Like a diary?


I thought, if I made more posts about what I am up to, that might be helpful. Diary entries about what I've intended to do for the day and whether I have done those things. Hopefully an incentive to make sure I actually do those things. Been worried about falling behind on matters of importance.

Not today, but definitely of importance: yesterday I managed to take care of my enrolment for my next semester of study. In the process I finally found out my grades for the previous semester; not having received word on that had been worrying me. Was relieved and proud to find that for the single, introductory computing unit I took I managed to get a Distinction. Unfortunately I can't seem to enrol in a follow-up unit, I think because I have too much credit for prior studies. I had to be a bit tricky to get the university system to accept my initial enrolment in that unit at all (or I would have had nothing to study).

I have successfully enrolled in and paid the up-front student contribution for two other units, one being a core mathematics unit and the other, for a required out-of-faculty elective, an introductory indigenuous studies unit. I am very nervous about both of them. I worry that as a faculty of arts unit there will be extensive required reading and essay requirements, two areas I have always struggled with. I have had a lot of difficulty with mathematical units as well, tending to get lost in rambling, multi-page dead ends when attempting to solve problems, and I am worried my attempts at studying prior to my enrolment in this course will not be sufficient.

Very nervous, classes start next week.

A few days ago I went out to see The Amazing Spider-Man, making a point of trying to actually go see movies in theatres occasionally. Unfortunately the showing I went to was interrupted by a fire alarm (false alarm) and subsequently cancelled. But I was told I would be able to use my ticket to get into another showing later on as compensation, so I did that today. Found that to be a very emotionally intense film, had me wondering again if I might be becoming oversensitive to emotionally strong depictions.

Also accomplished today: Got blood drawn for pathology, to be sent to my endocrinologist. Further experimentation in watching the blood draw itself, including spurting into the collection tubes, without any signs of fainting. A bit squeamish about it, unfortunately, but reinforces my suspicion my initial fainting may have been due to fasting and being a bit dehydrated.

Collected prescription from pharmacy, which was out of stock on my initial outing earlier this week.

Poked around on university website, attempting to discover if there were any textbook I should be getting hold of for the next semester. Found no such information.

Failed to accomplish: writing up at least one more story from Hard-boiled for the story ratings. I have a couple still queued up, missing the latest one was due to a lack of discipline on my part, but I would like to get them written up quickly so I can actually return the book. Add that to tomorrow's goals.

Going to be rather busy coming up. Working the next five days, overlapping on the tail end with my first three days back in class. Like I said, very nervous. Did not get any of the studying I intended to done during this break.

So that's today.