Sunday Story Ratings #41: Mama's Boy by David Alexander


Mama's Boy by David Alexander

Originally published May 1955 in Manhunt; this edition 1995

Publisher: Oxford University Press

Collected in: Hard-Boiled: An Anthology of American Crime Stories (ed. Bill Pronzini & Jack Adrian)



(D, L, V)

Drug Use {PG} {alcohol}

Coarse Language {M}

Violence {MA}




Viewpoint character is intensely misogynistic and focused on distorted ideals of masculinity.


Heterosexual appeal played up by the lead as means of making his living, modelling and conning or robbing women.

Race & Ethnicity:

No mention, consequently presuming whiteness.

Disability, Physical Diversity and Health:

Viewpoint character fixated on his body and taking care of it in a naive, grotesque way.



None found



Another upsetting story. Driven entirely by the viewpoint character's hatred of women, to the point of murder as a way of thrilling himself and proving his masculinity. All my sympathy and admiration lies with his victims. In the one case, her canny quick-wittedness that is his downfall, and in the other the futile fight she puts up. Quite upsetting, even to skim for getting this rating up.