The results are in, the jury is still out.


I called my clinic today regarding the blood tests I had taken on Monday. The test results are apparently sitting on my Endo's desk at the moment, awaiting her inspection. Even so, I called and requested the numbers myself.

Whatever is causing the creeping fuzz on my body, it's not a spike in testosterone. The levels are near zero -- 0.3 on whatever scale they used. My E level, however, was a shockingly low 50. Now, if they are using the same scale as previous tests, I should be up near 800. My immediate suspicion is that either my metabolism has picked up, I had a defective stock of E. 

The latter possibility when I received my refill on Monday. They didn't have the usual generic brand to which I was accustomed. When I tried the new stuff, the effect was immediate and pronounced. It was like being shot full of stimulants while wearing an oxygen rebreather.

I'm not ruling out stress, either. The last two weeks have been considerably difficult, enough so to wear down my objectivity. My fear that my voice was changing (it didn't during Puberty 1.0) is certainly emblematic of that. Stress and fatigue resulted in scratchiness I'm still fighting to this day. Hopefully my endo will be able to give my levels a look before she goes home for the weekend.