Book Dragon has read - Aunt Dimity and the Duke by Nancy Atherton


I was disappointed in this book, maybe because I expected the wrong things from it. I didn’t realise at first this was a prequel to the main series with different characters. Suspect I was also mistaken about the general premise, that it is not mysteries solved under the direct spiritual guidance of the deceased Aunt Dimity, although since I’ve not read any of the others I don’t know for sure how they normally go.

The mystery wasn’t very interesting partly because it largely felt like it resolved itself. Same for the romance. There were some feel-good moments but that was largely counterbalanced by the class stuff and the way the lead Emma Porter gets pushed into the shape of this story and the destiny chosen for her whether she wants it or not.

I’ve read romances I like more — The Nightingale Sings by Charlotte Bingham — and some I like much less — The Bridges of Madison County by Robert James Waller, which I’d rather call something like Masculinity Theatre than romance.

I don’t think I’d read another Aunt Dimity book but I suppose I don’t hugely regret reading this one.

  1. Aunt Dimity and the Duke, first section
  2. Aunt Dimity and the Duke, second section
  3. Aunt Dimity and the Duke, third section
  4. Aunt Dimity and the Duke, fourth section