Sunday Story Ratings #39: Black Pudding


Black Pudding by David Goodis

Originally published December 1953 in Manhunt; this edition 1995

Publisher: Oxford University Press

Collected in: Hard-Boiled: An Anthology of American Crime Stories (ed. Bill Pronzini & Jack Adrian)



(V, S, D, L)

Strong violence {MA15+}

Sexual References {M - character discreetly describing sexual violence}

Drug References {MA15+ - opium and alcohol as coping mechanism; tobacco socially}

Minor Coarse Language {PG}




Women's relationships, actions and desires framed largely around desirability to men. Two female characters, never in the same scene.


Only heterosexuality referenced.

Race & Ethnicity:

Opium sourced from a Chinese dealer. All other characters unmarked presumed white.

Disability, Physical Diversity and Health:

A character disfigured by being thrown out a window (backstory).



None found



This was a sad sort of tale of people hurting others for selfish reasons, and vengeance forced by the fear of vengeance pushing a man's tormenters into not leaving him alone when he wants to start over. At least after all the blood there is the implication of hope and potential future happiness.