Sunday Story Ratings #10: Dragon's Treasure


Dragon's Treasure by Elizabeth A. Lynn

Originally published 2003; this edition 2004

Publisher: Tor



(V, S, L, D, N)

Some strong violence

Sexual references / A sex scene

Coarse language

Mild drug use

Some nudity




Easy Bechdel pass. Although only one of the major viewpoint characters is a woman, her scenes frequently feature conversation with other women about matters of daily life. Sexism is primarily displayed by characters we are not intended to sympathise with.


One of the main characters is bisexual, carries on a relationship with a man and a woman in parallel, and expresses an intention not to choose between lovers.

Race & Ethnicity:

The kingdom represented in this novel contains a variety of ethnic groups, some with tension between them. A month after reading I don't recall any specific racial representation, which suggests everyone may have been white. A major region within the story felt coded Italian to me.

Disability, Physical Diversity and Health:

One character is mute and communicates by signing. Some other characters suffer PTSD and / or continuing effects of injuries sustained in the previous novel (which I have not read). One character loses an arm and gets on with eir life.



19th place: Locus Poll Award, Best Fantasy Novel 2005



I don't think there was anything epic going on in this book, and I quite liked that. Much of this novel featured the characters going about their daily lives with sides of intrigue and relatively ordinary personal drama. It made a nice change from just about everything else I read, a pleasant surprise. There was no incest in this book, maybe in the next one, if ever that is published?