Sunday Story Ratings #07: Memory


Memory by Linda Nagata

Originally published 2003; this edition 2011

Book View Café



(V, S)

Some Violence

A Sex Scene




The first-person protagonist is female. Probably Bechdel fail however, as although there are women talking to each other, making plans and discussing world-shaking events, those are largely centred on the male antagonist.


Heterosexuality appears to be universal, and I suspect in this setting it mayn't be possible to engage in queer fluid-bonding sex and live.

Race & Ethnicity:

I think the majority of characters in the book are POC, so this is probably the first book I've rated that passes the Johnson Test. Sad, isn't it? And as much a reflection on me as the authors.

Disability, Physical Diversity and Health:

Not much to say here, although the characters seem to have potential to be extremely long-lived.



18th Place: Locus Poll Award, Best SF Novel

Nominee: John W. Campbell Award