Lesswrong bucket list and relevant links


1. Nontrivial emergent complexity
Strict reductionism misses the importance of particular paths through the variance-space. You can tweak the parameters of organism-space or history-space or fractal-space or whatever, but finding an optimal path through them takes nontrivial search time.

2. Aspen, aspirin and empiricism: Finding the seeds of complex value structures in simple impulses
Our basic impulses towards and away from various affectational states only realizable in the context of an environment with a large range of nonobvious solutions to an arbitrarily large problem-set, embedded in various denizens of organism-space.

3. Your intuitions do not occur in a vacuum
Bias is not merely the default human condition; to be raised in a supportive environment has its own warping effects on human psychology.













Pearsall, P. (2005). The last self-help book you'll ever need: repress your anger, think negatively, be a good blamer, and throttle your inner child. New York: Basic Books.

Wrosch, C., Scheier, M. F., Miller, G. E., Schulz, R., & Carver, C. S. (2003). Adaptive Self-Regulation of Unattainable Goals: Goal Disengagement, Goal Reengagement, and Subjective Well-Being. Personality and Social Psychology., 29(12), 12.