The Zombie Presidential Debates


...still sound hilarious in my mind: "Come on! This guy's barely a corpse!" Not to mention the hot-button issue about the "breather" problem...

I would have liked to airbrush the DOR picture last night, but by then I was so terribly exhausted I couldn't do more than read. I did manage to finish Laurell K. Hamilton's Anita Blake: Guilty Pleasures Vol. 1 as visualized by Brett Booth. A friend on the east-coast sent me it and a box of other tasty books earlier this week. The artwork is incredible, but the narrative seems to have a few what-the-hell? moments. I had to reread a page several times. It could have been the fatigue.

Another book in the package was The Art of Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind: Watercolor Impressions. What surprised me most about it was how blunt and overworked Hayao Miyazaki sounds in his comments. Considering what Wikipedia says about his directorial style, I shouldn't be surprised.

I do hope to airbrush my latest pieces by the end of the week. It seems a shame to leave them half-finished. Then I would like to get back to writing Paper Girl.