Reading notes 2


“While it is evident respondents are spending time online and engaging in many activities on the Web, they are still reading.”

First thought, urge to say online activities are still reading. But then there is the impression that video and similar material is of increasing popularity as available bandwidth increases.

Counting Wikipedia as a social site seems strange (De Rosa, C., Cantrell, J., Havens, A., Hawk, J. & Jenkins, L., 2007, p. 42). But it seems to fit the definitions given (p. 38).

Went and looked up Rakuten after seeing it mentioned several times (e.g. p. 45) and not recalling hearing of it previously. Appears to be rather major, still. Particularly (of course) in Japan and perhaps also Europe.

The distinction between social networking and social media sites that is drawn throughout this document was intriguing. It makes sense, and was definitely something I missed for my initial assignment.

Users in the U.S. and Canada were the most likely to have shared their personality attributes, physical attributes and religious affiliations on social networking sites. Users in Germany report the highest rates of having shared association affiliations, political affiliations, books read and self-published information. Social networking users in the U.K. (6%) and Japan (3%) were the least likely to have provided their political affiliations; users in Germany (22%) and the U.S. (21%) were the most likely.

Noted for interest (p. 71).

Information shared on social networking sites (p. 72), noting presence of given / surname as possible information supplied, but not pseudonyms, despite the formation of pseudonymous identities and connections being a noted value facilitated by the internet according to some (York, 2011).

De Rosa, C., Cantrell, J., Havens, A., Hawk, J. & Jenkins, L. (2007). Sharing privacy and trust in our networked world: A report to the OCLC membership. Dublin, Ohio: OCLC.

York, Jillian C. (2011). A case for psuedonyms. In Electronic Frontier Foundation: Defending your rights in the digital world. Retrieved from