Literary SF Rant


If I see another variation on this skeletal plot in a science fiction novel, I shall become annoyed:

Strange and wondrous MacGuffin appears and does something unusual, thereby serving as a cheap, but forgivable plot device that enables <fantastical scenario>. It then vanishes like handwavium. Stuff happens. Character of importance speculates about the MacGuffin, and the word "quantum" is uttered by somebody. Two or more characters speculate about the implications for free will. The Copenhagen interpretation is greivously misinterpreted. An article published by Roger Penrose gets kludged into a lectu...conversation about macrotubules in the brain and whatnot. Strong AI is rebuked, even if AI does not figure prominently in the story. Optionally, questions about the Big Bang/God may be raised, creating seemingly-unresolvable paradoxes that everybody frets about as the story continues. This all becomes vital toward the conclusion, which is cosmic in scope no matter what the plot was.

Here we are especially thinking of Robert J. Sawyer.